
  1. Each Quiz Contest has a Start Time and an End time. Users can participate in the Quiz Contests during this period only as they are time frame based.
  2. Quiz Contest Name, it’s Start-time, End-time and Rank metrics are clearly mentioned for each contest active on Qureka Lite Hindi.
  3. It is pertinent and foremost important to note that NO Quiz Contests active on Qureka Lite Hindi have Prize money as reward. All Contests only have Coins as the reward.
  4. It is also pertinent to note that the coins mentioned in point iii are absolutely free. A User can either win the coins through Coin Based Games or We (Qureka Lite Hindi) shall give coins to you (User) for free to participate, in case you have less coins in your Qureka Lite Hindi wallet.
  5. This is to be clarified that the Coins are NOT MONEY and cannot be converted into money at any point. These coins are for Coin Based Contest participation only.
  6. A user will get the reward as Coins ONLY if the user WINS the Quiz contest active on Qureka Lite Hindi.
  7. That each Quiz Contest has thousands of participants. A User’s rank will depend on the scores based on the User’s subject knowledge. viii. This is utmost important to note that “NO QUIZ CONTEST MENTIONED/ACTIVE ON QUREKA LITE HINDI REQUIRES A USER TO DEPOSIT ANY MONEY FOR PARTICIPATION”.
  8. That the Participation in any Quiz Contest active on Qureka Lite Hindi is absolutely free for all its users. There are no In-product purchases.